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Cheese, bacon and spinach savoury muffins

Cheese, bacon and spinach muffins

I don’t buy pre-packaged snacks or meals since becoming more aware of the processing of such foods and the copious amounts of sugar, salt, and artificial additives they contain. I now rely mainly on whole foods – if you take a look at any of my Meal Plans you will notice my shopping lists largely consists of vegetables. As a result my pantry now looks considerably bare, and so, I have created a rod for my own back in a way. Keeping the food up to Tim (my hungry builder) proves challenging at the best of times. He is open to my food philosophy and lifestyle, but now he can’t just go to the pantry and grab a $2 box of Shapes biscuits (which he would have consumed in one sitting). So I created these cheese, bacon and spinach savoury muffins which he could snack on in between meals.

Cheese, bacon and spinach muffins

Cheese, bacon and spinach muffins – a perfect protein snack or light meal

What’s great about my cheese, bacon and spinach savoury muffins:

  • packed with protein thanks to the eggs, cheese and bacon
  • contain a nutrient-rich vegetable – spinach
  • quick and easy to prepare
  • a fantastic grab-and-go snack
  • serve with salad or vegetables for an ‘instant’ meal.
Cheese, bacon and spinach muffin mix

Cheese, bacon and spinach muffin mix


1 teaspoon oilve oil

1/2 clove of garlic, finely diced

1 small brown onion, finely chopped

200 gm short cut bacon, diced into 1cm squares

200 gm spinach (stalks and stems removed), roughly chopped

250 gm cheese (you could use grated cheddar, crumbled feta or ricotta – I used the latter)

6 eggs

60 gm organic spelt flour

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper


Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees Celsius and grease a 12-hole cupcake pan with butter.

Fry garlic, onion and bacon in pan with a olive oil over medium heat and cook until onion is translucent and bacon is slightly crisp (about 5 minutes).

Place spinach, cheese, eggs and bacon contents of fry pan in a large bowl and stir to combine.

Add combined flour, salt and pepper to wet ingredients and stir to combine. The mixture will still be quite wet.

Spoon mixture into prepared cupcake tray and bake for 20 minutes or until edges are crisp and tops are golden.

Remove from oven and allow to cool in tray for 5 minutes before inverting onto wire rack.

Enjoy hot or cold and as a snack or served with a garden salad or vegetables for a more substantial meal.

Makes 12.

Cheese, bacon and spinach muffins

Cheese, bacon and spinach muffins

7 Comments Post a comment
  1. Bessie #

    I just made these muffins. They are so addictive! I substituted spelt flour for plain flour because I had no idea what that is. I also added a bunch of parsely because I had an overgrowth in the garden and it worked really well.


    May 4, 2013
    • Awesome! Sounds delish 🙂
      Spelt is just the type of grain they use to make the flour. Regular flour would work the same 🙂


      May 4, 2013
  2. Greer #

    Thanks for this great sugar free recipe – have just made it for my husband and I for lunch – completely yummy… will look forward to snacking on the rest over the next few days. I only used half the bacon which seemed plenty.


    August 11, 2013
    • Thanks for your comment Greer, I’m so glad you liked them and that you could alter the bacon quantity to suit 🙂


      August 11, 2013
  3. I just made these in my thermochef with coconut flour!! Delish! Thank you!


    April 13, 2015
    • Fantastic! I’m so glad you liked them. Made with coconut flour, they’d make a great Paleo breakfast/lunch/snack 🙂


      April 13, 2015

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